7 Shades to Play With

When it comes to hair color, it’s always better to change it up every once in a while. There’s your natural hair color of course, but for every season of your life it’s also nice to introduce a bit of a change. In the land of hair color, there’s an almost infinite palette of beautiful options to choose from. However, there are certain shades of certain colors that are making their comeback in the style scene. Have a look and take your pick from the many shades you can play with this season:

Ecaille Tortoiseshelle Ombre

You won’t miss this color because Hollywood was all about this color in 2015. The ecaille blend brings hair color to an entirely new dimension, because it’s no longer just about picking one color and sticking with it. What the ecaille does is it picks a base shade then brings three (or more) very close shades in, whether lighter or darker than the base. All these colors are applied to the hair, and the end effect creates an illusion of movement and volume. This almost three-dimensional hair color is definitely something that people will notice and talk about, and it will look good whether you’re a brunette or a blonde.

Autumn Leaves

Red is a color that’s bold and vibrant, and not a lot of people think they can pull it off. There are many ways to go about red hair, and it has risen and fallen in popularity over time. But there’s still a space only red hair can fill, and presently, the shade that will really make people talk is a very specific shade that reminds you of a chilly autumn afternoon. Take time to watch the leaves turn red in autumn, and then imagine this on your hair. This coppery hue is definitely a statement that’s as bold as bold can get.

Buttery and Delicate

There’s nothing more delicate-looking than blonde hair. But there are probably 50 shades of blonde and depending on your skin color, chances are you won’t look good in every single one. The blonde shade that’s really making a comeback is the soft and delicate one, which is very light but not to the point of being icy. So no, don’t think of the ice queen version of blonde. Think more like the warm glow of sunrise or soft butter on toast.  As light and delicate as this hair color is, it will also require some tender loving care as well especially if your natural hair is a lot darker.

Stunning Silver

Gone were the days when grey was associated with age, because if done right, silver hair can look quite smart and stunning. This metallic shade is surprisingly flattering, and it’s guaranteed to make heads turn. Of course, you’ll need a really good stylist to get this shade right, because there’s a very fine line between silver that’s stunning and the type that will make you look decades older. When you decide to go for this shade, you should also speak with your stylist about maintenance, because it will take some effort.

Coffee and Caramel

Think of the warmth and comfort that a cup of coffee brings, then think of what a drizzle of caramel will do to make it even better. Bring brunette to an entirely new level by adding caramel-colored highlights, which are guaranteed to add warmth, definition, and even some softness. This works for straight, wavy, and even curly hair, because the highlights simply add a new dimension and texture to what’s already there. It’s a sure way of making brown a little more interesting, and because of the added dimension your hair will look like it has more life.

Rose Gold

It’s a little difficult to put your finger on a shade like rose gold, because it’s such a perfect combination of two very different colors. Normally, you wouldn’t think rose (whatever shade of pink or red) and gold (think light blonde) go together. But once you take the risk and put two and two together, the perfect interplay between the feminine rose and the warm gold will leave you with hair that’s shining, shimmering, splendid.

Sweet as Candy

Pastel hues are also hot right now, but you need to be careful because not everyone looks good in these candy-colored shades. If you die your hair any shade of pastel, it will definitely draw attention so you have to be sure that you want it. You can go for lavender, pink, or even blue and green. You can also go for multiple shades if you’re feeling extra adventurous. If your hair is already a light shade of blonde, pastel highlights will work because it gives you that extra pop of color.

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