How to Cut Men’s Hair at Home: Expert Tips to Keep in Mind

Ideally, men’s hair needs to be cut every 4 to 6 weeks in order to keep it in its ideal length and shape. This is why trips to the Roosters Men’s Grooming and Supercuts are regularly scheduled by lots of guys who want to stay on top of their grooming. 

However, with the health crisis we’re currently facing, frequent trips to the salon might not be possible. With the safety protocols in place, it might not be wise to try to keep up the schedule as well. 

This does not mean that you should just let your locks grow out, though. Not only will it cause you to look unkempt for your video calls and conferences but it can also get quite uncomfortable. There are ways you can keep your hair trimmed and in workable length for you that will not require an expert.

How? Here are a few tips professional stylists recommend you do:

Get a good set of trimmers.

Hair clippers may not necessarily be parts of many men’s grooming arsenal and that’s not necessarily surprising. With salons and barbershops being very reliable, it’s just easier to go to one when you need a trim. However, things definitely changed in the past few months so it would be ideal to have a good set at home.

When buying one, make sure to go for a reliable brand and model. Getting all of the basic attachments is recommended as well so you can cover all the bases with its use.

Prioritize the areas that bother you the most. 

There are certain areas for hair growth that can be very uncomfortable for some folks. Focus on these when looking for a spot to start with.

For example, most folks get quite uncomfortable when the hair on the backs of their necks start to grow. This can be a good place to start trimming, especially since it shouldn’t be that hard to clean up the area evenly. 

Doing it on your own can be quite tricky but not impossible. As long as you have a good view of the hair on the area and you can easily reach it nicely with the trimmer, you should be able to trim your hair. It’ll be best if you can ask a partner or someone else in your household to do the trimming, though.

Enlist someone else’s help.

Speaking of asking someone to cut your hair, you should definitely do it if it’s possible. If you live with someone else, it would be nice if they can assist you or do the actual cutting for you. It might take an enormous amount of trust in between the two of you but since it can just be a temporary cut until you can go to your barber or stylist, trims shouldn’t be too scary. 

Stick with trims.

As much as possible, expert stylists do not recommend that you attempt a full-on haircut on your own at home. Unless you just intend to shave all of your locks for some reason, trying to recreate a haircut you often get from your favorite barbershop might not be wise. 

Why? It’s very likely that you won’t be able to replicate the look if you’re not skilled in the task. You’ll end up having to just live with a bad haircut if you do this. Also, repairing bad haircuts can be a tough task for your hairstylist. And with most salon operations limiting the time spent on a single client, it’s just best to avoid needing them if you can.

Use the right tools.

If you absolutely have to take off a good amount of length, experts recommend using clippers with an eighth guard. This is usually the standard for a 1” guard, so it can already do the trick in chopping some of your hair off.

Never use regular scissors for cutting your hair. They can bend your hair before cutting them off successfully. You can easily get basic hair-cutting scissors, however, for cheap. Stick with them instead if you feel like using scissors even though they’ll be a lot harder to work with.

Watch expert tutorials.

Thankfully, there are now lots of video tutorials on how to cut your hair at home. Some might prove to be more instructional than others, so make sure to look around for the best ones.

Take better care of your hair.

Now that you may have to deal with your locks more closely to keep it looking and feeling great, it would also be ideal if you take better care of your locks. Doing so will help you keep it looking great even if you don’t do the best job in trimming it. So if you can’t keep it at the right length you want, at least you can keep it healthy. 

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