Getting Over Your Post-Waxing Bumps

Bumps are perfectly normal after a waxing session a European Wax Salon because the forceful removal of hair causes trauma to the surrounding skin. The bumps may or may not be pronounced in your case but these can still be source of concern, especially when these show signs of inflammation.

Fortunately, there are preventative and palliative steps that you can do in order to speed up the disappearance of these bumps. Here are also things that you may want to know about their formation and complications, among others. 

Complications Can Occur

Many waxing clients develop folliculitis, a pimple-like rash with a noticeable bump, afterwards. Folliculitis is typically caused by an inflammation that, in most cases, resolve on its own even without medical intervention. Even when folliculitis persists for a few days and result in white, fluid-filled bumps, it can still be treated at home with a few home remedies discussed below.

And then there are the ingrown hairs, which usually appear after the initial inflammation has subsided. Ingrown hairs generally grow within a week, at most, after a waxing session, and these are considered a type of folliculitis. These are hairs that instead of growing up and out of the skin’s surface, these grow back into the skin resulting in acne-like small, round pustules; the hairs may or may not be visible inside each bump.

Common Relief Measures

Ingrown hairs can cause discomfort, too, although these will eventually break down on their own. But since you don’t want to deal with the discomfort longer than necessary, here are things that you can do to relieve yourself of it. 

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes soon after your waxing session and for several days after until the bumps have resolved on their own.
  • Apply a cool compress on the affected skin to soothe its discomfort. You can use either a clean washcloth placed under cold water or an ice pack. Be sure to apply it for 20 minutes at a time only, especially if you’re using an ice pack to avoid burns. 
  • Apply a warm compress on areas with ingrown hairs, too. A heating pad or a clean washcloth dipped in hot water will do the trick. Apply either one to the affected area for five minutes at a time.
  • Never pick or pop your bumps even when you’re sorely tempted to do so. Think of these bumps as pimples – keep your hands off them!

The abovementioned measures are for when the bumps appear a few days after your waxing session. There are also post-waxing measures that you must do immediately after your waxing session, and these should be followed to the letter to prevent complications. 

  • Avoid taking a hot shower or a hot bath on the day after the waxing session. Instead, take a cool shower or apply a cool compress to the waxed area, especially if it’s your nether region. 
  • Avoid skincare products containing fragrances including perfumes since these can contain ingredients that irritate sensitized skin. 
  • Avoid excessive physical activity including exercise and sex for at least 24 hours after the waxing session.  You don’t want perspiration to irritate your sensitized skin.
  • Apply cortisone cream on your skin, which will reduce the inflammation. You can buy it from a drugstore; ask the aesthetician for a recommendation. 

These steps should be adopted for a couple of days after the waxing session, perhaps more if the bumps haven’t resolved on their own yet.  You shouldn’t wear a bikini, jeggings or leggings, and other tight clothes until then, thus, the importance of scheduling your waxing session well in advance of any major event, whether it’s a bikini show or a wedding day. 

You may also use one or two DIY treatments to speed up the healing process in your waxed area.  A few suggestions that come to mind include:

  • A sugar scrub can be used in exfoliating the waxed area so that the dead skin cells and other detritus can be removed. Mix a half cup each of olive oil and sugar in a bowl, apply a small amount to your skin, and scrub it in gently in circular motions. 
  • Apply aloe vera essence on the bumps to soothe the discomfort. You can also get a fresh aloe vera leaf, peel off its outer layer, and rub the gel-like part on your waxed skin. Do this three times a day for maximum soothing relief.  

Of course, it’s important to regularly clean and exfoliate your skin, especially the waxed area, to prevent one too many bumps from forming after a waxing session. You can use an exfoliating cloth or a mild scrub for exfoliation every other day, at least, but don’t exfoliate three times a day unless you want scratches on top of bumps; once a day should do it. 

When the bumps are gone, your skill be as smooth as a baby’s – or at least, with no visible hair – and you can wear your bikinis with more confidence.

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