
3 Hair Removal Skin Issues and How to Deal with Them

Having excess hair can get very frustrating not just because you have to bother removing them but also because the said process can hurt your skin. It’s like you’re doomed either way since you can’t just leave the hair be (if you don’t want to) but getting rid of them puts you at risk of various skin issues. All of these can get very annoying as it complicates your journey to having smooth and flawless skin.

To help you address the troublesome skin concerns that come with hair removal, it’s crucial that we take a closer look at them first. Afterward, we’ll give you the most important tips to combat them.

Skin Irritation or Infection

When you remove unwanted hair, the follicles and skin pores that are around it opens up as well. When exposed to germs and bacteria, it can lead to irritation or infection. As a result, your skin will become red, tender, and inflamed. It’s an overall bad situation that needs to be addressed right away.

If your skin got irritated, it’s crucial that you work on healing your skin right away. Applying soothing and antibacterial topical products to it will greatly help. Keeping the area clean is also essential so the condition will not worsen.

Ingrown Hair

Shaving usually causes ingrown hair since you don’t really get to remove the strands from the root using this hair removal procedure. In most cases, the growing hair curls back to the skin, causing it to burrow under the skin. It can also cause irritation and infection in some cases. On some occasions, your skin can also heal over the follicles that new strands don’t get to break out properly. As a result, the hair gets trapped under the skin which causes bumps and skin irritation.

No matter what the case is, ingrown hair can be hard to remove. They’re also very unsightly so dealing with them is a must.

Strawberry Legs

Lots of people who shave their legs end up having strawberry legs or several small black dots all over the areas that they usually shave. The pitted appearance of the skin is the manifestation of the open comedones or enlarged pores that are damaged by improper shaving. Their appearance is a result of the discoloration of the pore or follicle after it has been exposed to air.

Having strawberry legs can be awful as it keeps your skin from looking smooth and spotless. Some might even prefer having leg hair instead of having such a condition as it can really get unsightly.

Dealing with Common Skin Issues Caused by Improper Hair Removal

So how do you deal with the skin issues that come with hair removal? Here are the most crucial steps that you should remember:

Exfoliate regularly.

When removing hair, it’s very important that you prep your skin first. This way, it won’t get easily damaged when you take out the unwanted hair.

This step can be rather tricky as some hair removal processes are exfoliating on their own. It’s best done with great care so you don’t end up over-exfoliating your skin.

If you regularly remove hair on various body parts, exfoliating the same areas often is also necessary. To do these, here are some of the recommended steps by experts:

  • Use a physical scrub or a cleanser with a chemical exfoliant to soften and remove the dead skin on the surface. Look for body scrubs that are gentle but effective like coffee or sugar. If you want to go for the chemical route, look for products with salicylic acid or glycolic acid.
  • Use a soft dry brush on dry skin before taking a shower starting a day or two before you shave. This also helps gently remove dry skin and soften the topmost layer of your skin.
  • Soak your skin in warm water for 5-10 minutes before shaving. Doing so will help open pores and follicles to draw out impurities and soften dry skin cells for easy removal.

Moisturize thoroughly.

Your skin needs a lot of moisture to be in its top shape. Unfortunately, most hair removal methods also remove skin moisture, so hydrating it once again is essential. Make sure to always put on a moisturizing body cream or lotion every time you exfoliate and remove unwanted hair.

Give your skin a break.

If your skin condition is caused by a specific hair removal method, it will be best to stop doing it for a while to give your skin a break. For example, if your bumps and skin irritation are caused by shaving, try sugaring or epilation in the meantime instead. You can also try going to a renowned waxing salon like the Ministry of Waxing for some professional care. By doing this, you won’t aggravate the condition while you treat the problem at hand.

Learn how to remove unwanted hair properly.

While shaving is the fastest and simplest way to get rid of unwanted hair, it’s also very easy to make mistakes when using this method. So if you want to avoid having to deal with ingrown hair or strawberry legs further, you should learn how to correctly and properly shave your legs.

How do you do this? Here are the key tricks to remember:

  • Never shave your legs when dr as doing so will damage your skin thoroughly. Always use a moisturizing shaving cream instead.
  • Never use a dull razor when shaving. This will require repeated passes which will damage your skin.
  • Gently shave in the direction of hair growth. Doing so guarantees proper hair removal and prevents damage to the follicles.
  • Splash the area you shaved with cold water to close the pores and follicles in the area.
  • Apply a fragrance-free moisturizer to the area after shaving.

Treat the skin condition.

If you already have a skin issue from improper hair removal, seek treatment as soon as possible. Laser therapy usually helps strawberry legs.

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